B i o g r a p h y
​“The Virgin Consort’s recording of the Messe de Minuit pour Noël [Gothic G49077] is a stylish recreation of a Christmas service at Saint-Chapelle. Under the direction of Kyler Brown, the Consort presents the Mass with all the chant propers, making it quite an authentic experience. Brown’s organ playing is delicate and, when necessary, suitably grand, while the ensemble is topnotch. There exists no better recording of this work.” Early Music America

Recognized as both an organist and conductor, Kyler Brown is newly appointed Director of Music and Organist at Blessed Sacrament Church in New Rochelle, NY, where he will establish a choral program for singers of all ages and develop a concert series in the emerging and exciting new downtown arts comm unity. In addition, he is Founder and Artistic Director/Conductor of The Virgin Consort, an 8-voice professional ensemble specializing in early music and contemporary compositions.
Previously, he served as Music Director and Organist at St. Joseph’s Church in Greenwich Village, NYC, where he oversaw a professional choir and established a concert series featuring the newly installed organ built by Orgues Létourneau Saint-Hyacinthe, Québec. For two decades he served as Director of Music Ministries and Organist at the Church of St. Jean Baptiste, New York City, where he conducted a multi-choir program of children and adult volunteers and a professional octet, as Music Director and Organist at the Church of St. Mary the Virgin, New York City, he established an international concert series and served as the consultant for the restoration and completion of the church's historic Æolian-Skinner Organ.
His recently released recording of the Suite in G Major by Ottorino Respighi with the Chamber Orchestra of New York has received rave reviews. Additional recordings include the Great Organs of New York City (Bischof & Vitacco Records) and Masterpieces from the Church of St. Mary the Virgin (Gothic Records) which have been hailed by critics: “Brown is a virtuoso and his ability to bring out the grandeur of the music is impressive.” (The Diapason); and “The performances are so consistently top-rung that singling out Kyler Brown’s rendition of Dupre’s G-Minor Prelude and Fugue at St. Mary the Virgin hardly seems fair.” (The New Yorker). Additionally, he has recorded privately for National Public Radio, the Frick Museum and the Methuan Memorial Hall Foundation.
Mr. Brown made his TV conducting debut on The Late Show with Stephen Colbert directing the Choir of St. Jean Baptiste performing a special arrangement of Joy to the World by Three Dog Night, made his Lincoln Center debut conducting in a performance of Handel's Messiah and has presented recitals throughout the United States and Italy. He has introduced and conducted the American premieres of choral works by Lee Hoiby, Virgil Thomson, James Primosch, Kamala Sankaram, Jeff Klitz and Jackson Hill.